Thursday, December 18, 2014

Making it simple: 4 things to know, when defining Thyristor

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

Photo: SEMIPACK Thyristor/Diode.

For today, I am oftly curious to discuss Thyristor. When you would ask Google, you will come up with a very ghastly description of what a Thyristor is. On it’s complex undertaking, we never bothered to understand it as a consequence.

I for one had the same experience and that is the reason I made this.

1. Thyristor is a switch & the Gate pulls the trigger.
I have siblings and when we were kids, we would usually play called stop dance by switching the lights ‘on’ and ‘off’. Especially, if it is totally dark, giving us a disco ball illusion. Fun will end, when my mom will scold at us to never to do that again as the lights would burn out.

In contrast to popular belief, Thyristors are reasonably easy to understand. It is simple as switching the lights ‘on’ or ‘off’.

To simply put it, a Thyristor is also a switch that you can fully ‘on’ or ‘off’. The difference between a Thyristor and your regular light switch is that it is extremely radical when doing the ‘on’ and ‘off’. How radical you ask, it’s action of ‘on’ and ‘off’ is measured in milliseconds or microsecond that cannot be detected by the naked eye. Take that mom!

Understanding a Thyristor’s action is easy from its symbol. 
Photo: Thyristor Symbol

This device has three terminals: Anode (positive terminal), the Cathode (negative terminal) and the Gate (control terminal).

Using your fingers as trigger, you will just need a little effort to control the lights ‘on’ of ‘off’.

Similarly, Thyristor uses the same principle for control. Main current flows between the anode and cathode and the gate will serve as the fingers and the small amount of current (more like 4 to 20 mA) as the force that you need to apply and enable you to control the device to fully ‘on’ or ‘off’.

Using the gate as a trigger we have three types of operation.
  • Forward Blocking
  • Reverse Blocking
  • Forward Conducting

2. Forward Blocking
Photo: Off-switch

When the lights are ‘off’ and you have never applied any force on the switch, obviously the lights remains ‘off’.

When no current is flowing through the gate, there will be no trigger to act to let the current flow between anode and the cathode. Therefore, Thyristor remains switched ‘off’, we call this as Forward Blocking.

3. Reverse Blocking
Photo: Switch pressing to 'off' position

When the lights are ‘off’ and you applied force on the switch by pressing to ‘off’ position, even pressing it as hard as possible the light will stay ‘off’.

When you trigger the Thyristor by a gate, but the application of flow of current is in reverse direction of the anode and cathode connection, Thyristor will stay ‘off’. Doing this is like asking anode (positive terminal) to be negative, hence blocked and we call this operation as Reverse Blocking.

4. Forward Conducting
Photo: Switch pressing to 'on' position

When we need the lights ‘on’, obviously we just press the switch to ‘on’ position. Even if we take off our fingers, we know it will stay ‘on’.

When you trigger the Thyristor by a gate and the flow of current allows activation of anode to be positive and cathode to be negative, you are allowing the main current to flow as well. As long as the current is provided on this forward flow, it will remain conducting. Therefore, Thyristor remains switched ‘on’ and we call this operation as Forward Conducting.

So that’s it. These are the basics of Thyristor. To know more ask a electrical engineer near you. 

Let me know what you think and please feel free to comment.

Monday, December 15, 2014

7 things you need to know on writing e-mails when you CAN’T give client’s what they want.

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

Photo: henry chilcott

So as the year ends, I am sharing these tips. Please note that I am not telling you to change how you write your e-mails, but rather to get some insights from you and maybe help each other in the process.

So, let me know what you think and please feel free to comment on my mistakes and grammar, because I need it.

1. Smile. 
Photo: nour ammar
When you can't give client’s what they want, it's easy to feel discouraged about writing to them. 

To start with a positive mindset, put a smile in your face. 

This will resonate loudly on your words and into your e-mails.

2. Shift your thinking from Complaint to Concern.
Photo: Linda Silva Palleschi
Think of your client’s e-mail as a genuine concern to your product and services and value them for their time and effort and recognize this intention.

Begin your e-mail with a pleasing note to show that you are a caring and helpful person, like:
“Thank you for your e-mail"
“… for writing to us about your concern”
“… for letting me/us know”
“… for the opportunity to share information about . . ."
“It has been our utmost priority to give integrity to our products and service and we value our clients in these concerns.”

Use words like ‘thank you’, ‘we appreciate’, ‘grateful’, ‘value’ and ‘happy’

Even though you cannot change the situation, this will help make your customer feel valued & heard.

Avoid any language that characterizes your reader as a complainer. Even if he or she uses 
the words "complaint" or "complain," do not include those words in your response. 
Instead, use neutral terms such as "letter," "concern," "inquiry," and "situation."

3. Be intimate and personal on your e-mail. 
Photo: stavos
Remember that the one you are sending the e-mail is a person too that has feelings and family. They are just average working people, same as you.

To show respect and approval, greet the reader by name (not Dear Sir/Madame). 

As Dale Carnegie put it, 
"Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language"
To avoid aggravation on unclear gender based on names, you need to distant yourself on using Sir or Madame. Calling a lady client a Sir, or a male client a Ma’am, is very upsetting.

Example of confusing names that I have met:
a. ***-Hyoung Kim (Male)
b. ***kyung Kim (Female)
c. Sae *** Park (Male)
d. Na *** Park (Female)
e. Nguyen *** Toan (Male)
f. Nguyen *** Nhung (Female)

Also, respond specifically on what the client asks.

What I usually do is to copy paste client’s whole sentences on his/her e-mail and respond to every sentences of it. 

You will then re-write and review carefully to make sure that your words engage on your client’s situation.

Also be sensitive on the country they came from. Use Pak for Indonesians or –san for Japan clients. If you can, tell Good Morning in their own language.
“Selamat Pagi”
“குட் மார்னிங்”
“Magandang Umaga”

It does not hurt if you ask them about the weather or an occurring holidays, they will applaud you on taking the time.

4. Provide information immediately to alleviate their concern/complaint.
Photo: Jamie Frith
Maybe they are just having a bad day, so do not take it personal.

You should have a maximum delay of response of 1 week. If you cannot give a proper answer within one week, let them know that you are taking action on it and will reply as soon as possible. 

Use sentences like:

If you need more time, “We are taking action on this concern, we will send our review on _____ / as quickly as possible.”

If you need to turn-over this complaint, “We deem to escalate this case and your email to our senior management for review and response, will keep you informed on your escalated case status as soon as I get an update.”

If you need to close this, “This is an isolated case, we cannot conclude that the heater we supplied is the same as _____ even if we have _____. We do not envisage any modification/replacement for _____”
                or “The equipment is no longer under warranty, ______ can give support to the commissioning activities and booked the suitable engineer for your mobilization period.”

Offer yourself or another person on your team as a contact. Even if there is nothing you can do, giving follow-up contact information helps your reader feel connected and not isolated. 

Close your message with a sentence like one of these: 
"If you need further information, please call me at __________ or email __________" 
"Please feel free to call our Sales at _________." 

Yes, certain people may abuse that information, but most will simply be grateful to know you are available.

5. Be valiant on your words of empathy

Photo: Norman Peters

Include statements like:
"We understand and regret," 
"We are sorry about the situation,"  
"I wish I could offer," 
"I understand that this response is not what you had hoped for." 

An apology does not mean that you make the concern your responsibility.

It just means that you are with them and you are extending your apologies that the situation exists and you regret that it has come to this.

6. Do not accuse
Photo: Guy J. Sagi

It is in our nature to always or be in the defense side. There is nothing wrong with that, but it always depends on the use of words.

Criticize the circumstances not the person. When giving your disapprobation, avoid using word ‘you’.

Notice on how I use ‘you’ on this e-mail. Using you will make your reader be engaged and feel what you are personifying. 

This is the same as adding 'you' on a complaint/concern e-mail.  The reader will give him/her distress and confusion by feeling directed on your e-mail. 

Instead of "If you had purchased ___, it should have not come to this”, 
write, "Unfortunately, this requirement was not part of our supply/offer/policy, please let us know if your good office will confirm this item and we will provide an offer"

Instead of "You should have told us earlier that you wanted this, it’s too late now." 
say, "I am regretably sorry, but this request will not be possible at this stage. Equipment has already been fabricated and shipped. Please confirm these changes and we will give an additional offer "

7. Provide information that are ‘double confirmed’
Photo: Vimrod

All information you give must be affirmed and double checked.

Before giving any advice make sure that you, yourself have tried it or it was asserted by the QA or a Senior personnel of the company you are representing.

If in doubt, ask!

Like giving links. You need to try the link and check if this is indeed, going to the IOM document.

If you are offering a contact person, be sure the number connects directly to the right support with correct country & area code.

Remember: Even if you CAN’T give client’s what they want, you CAN still write a message that will help make your customer feel valued & heard.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Harmonics in Thyristors

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration
Photo: Power quality analyser.with my hand

Electrical systems are prone to unwanted interference of electrical signals that engineers always want to avoid. They call it noise in electrical circuits. These noise are not sounds that you can hear, but rather they are random fluctuation in electrical signals. These noises can be generated by electronic devices from within the control panel or from external sources. They could also be temporary or continuous. 

Such devices can be a thyristor.

A thyristor is a typical source of noise. During turning off, these devices causes sharp inverted spikes, which we call ‘notching' that produces noise to electrical systems. Figure below shows a waveform disturbance of a thyristor in the incoming voltage side of the control panel.

Photo: Wave form distorted by notching.
The pure sine wave (traced in yellow) carries no harmonics, in the distorted sine wave (traced in red) harmonics are present. This voltage waveform is very badly distorted (18% Total Harmonic Distortion, TDH). Surges like these are circumstances engineers want to prevent. During harmonic test, removing the background harmonic distortion, control panel only allows 5% TDH as acceptance level. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) for Redioactive Waste

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

Department of Energy & Climate Change of the UK Government has released a white paper to implement geological sites for disposal or more likely long-term storage of readioactive wastes from plants.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Scary Dose of Nuclear Radiation

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

Just so everyone is aware, radiation is real. I am so frustrated on how other people shroud the truth on nuclear radiation as a way of life, just because we experience it everyday. It is true that radiation exists everywhere and we actually get doses of it from our food, water, in-flight, medical procedures and even within our own bodies. 

Still, assuming that a person can drink water the size of a swimming pool everyday, he would not do it if all he needs is just eight glasses. This is the same on radiation exposure. Delivering high-level doses over a short period of time causes mutations genetically as it attacks our DNA and increases occurrence of cancer.

The way it does, radiation releases energy to the environment by breaking down and depositing those energy in our tissues, then in turn directly damage or kill cells. Some cells can become abnormal and later malignant depending on the radiation exposure.

The effects of radiation exposure is not immediate, there were only 39 deaths of workers reported handling nuclear power generation from 1970 to 1992.

Nevertheless, the aftermath of contamination to civilian population is catastrophic. The severity of contamination can kill even millions of years later, destroy near and far-off communities, impinge outlying nations and disrupt the world. Damage will be massive and the cost to contain it will be forever. Exposed communities will despair on the thoughts of early death because of cancer.

Friday, July 25, 2014

3 Frequent Questions as Part Time for Engineering Job

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration
Job Meeting Napoli 2012
1. Hope of finding a part-time engineering work? Hefty, but still possible. Usually part-time are considered by engineers if they are pursuing higher studies; consultants; R&D; taking a long vacation (3 months off) to 'actual' engineering work; boredom; or after retirement. What ever reason it maybe, engineers are always crucial resource to companies.

2. Is it possible to have a part-time engineering work without an engineering degree? If you don't have an engineering degree and wants a part-time engineering job, there is a slim chance for you. Prior experience in an engineering field, will give you an edge to get a part-time engineering job. If you decided to do engineering full-time, better pursue and choose an engineering course. An Engineering Degree will give you more in paycheck and consideration for raise increase and promotion.

Likely without an engineering degree, you will do engineering work through another engineer and be like an add bot. Sometimes, you will never understand what the hell you are actually doing, but at least your doing engineering work. Engineers attain respect through experience (with or without a degree). They are expected to think independently and act as they are paid to do. This is also expected from them when doing part-time work.

3. Is it reasonable to have a part-time engineering job if you already have an engineering degree? If you are fresh out of college, never consider part-time. Job advertisement don't call part-time for engineer as 'part-time jobs', they sometimes refer to it as contractual work or contract labor in a specified time frame, but circumstances like these specifies HIGH description skill sets. Occasionally, these arrangements are offered (sometimes secretly) and greatly depends on people you know and how valuable you are in the industry.

For Corporate entities, engineers are hired to solve dilemmas and make things possible. Solving these problems needs time and the allotted 8 hour work day are sometimes not enough. For offshore jobs working hours are normally 12 hours, but will have 3 to 6 months ashore vacation package. Other engineering jobs offer 4 day work week; flexible working hours; or work at the comforts of their homes. This is to maintain work and life balance and boost productivity and morale of employees.

It is counter productive for companies to hire engineers part-time, if they want to achieve revenues in a steady goal and able to pay an engineer's salary. Companies also trace these employees as it will be a conflict of interest and considered them as a valid threat that will potentially harm the company. Good example of this is the movie Paranoia (2013) with Liam Hemsworth acting as a double agent for a competitor. Engineers handles sensitive information, patents and proprietary documents of the company and will always have a confidentiality clause upon signing a contract.

Having said that, doing engineering as part-time will give you less payment fee in an immeasurable degree compared in doing full-time. Added to that, full-time engineers have regular benefits, raise, promotion, bonuses and maybe stock options. Comparing part-time payment in hours to full-time hours is also not close enough as a consideration. Companies are reluctant to invest to such cases. Mostly, engineers are not likely to go that road as they will not settle for less and antithetical of their character.

To be continued...

Engineer as Brokers and Traders

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

Brokers and Traders
Average Monthly Salary: 17,300 U.S. dollars

Interior of Chicago Board of Trade
Photo: Daniel Little
Why brokers and traders? If you think a business degree is required to enter this field, it's unfortunate, but you have probably been misled. Once you get to the workforce, you will understand that this opportunity is now a desirable job for people with an engineering major. 

For any person to be a broker or a trader, they will need a license to buy or sell securities. To every country there are specific requirements to this, but generally they will need a degree for you to be able to get required exams that they need to pass before getting this license. Check your National Securities and Exchange Commission of your country. After acquiring a license, they will become a member of the stock exchange and then-after able to buy or sell stocks.

Engineers have the advantage as they can develop mathematical models from trading patterns and signals. Prevalent to engineers to do trading part time as sometimes trading are treated as common knowledge. Full-time traders with engineering majors only ramp-up to this profession when their main income become dominant through trading.

Economics is a general study for all engineers. Once you started learning your maths and come across trading, your maths are just application of those. It is advisable to take additional classes in business, finance and sales, if your curriculum can accommodate them. 

Again, it does not matter what field of Engineering to have a successful career in brokering or trading. However, it is important to know that sales experience is a valued asset for a brokerage position. Look into sales engineering position once you graduate then start making your way to a brokerage firm. 

Mainly, sales engineers apply engineering to handle and understand of engineered services and products before offering them to consumers.

back to Choosing an Engineering Course main article...

Engineer as a CEO, Chief Executive Officer

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

CEO, Chief Executive Officer
Average Monthly Salary: 25,400 U.S. dollars

Engineers who are Executive Officers:

Photo: Christoph Dernbach
Larry Page
Co-Founder & CEO, Google

Photo: M.I.C Gadget
Tim Cook
CEO, Apple

Photo: Michael Kuntz
Don Thompson
President & CEO, McDonald's

These gentlemen did not became CEOs overnight. They have sacrificed their life, counting to decades and lots of hard work, failures and break-ups just to get to where they are now. Aside from their bachelor degrees they pursued further studies. Currently, most CEO positions and top executives in large businesses and governments are acted by MBA graduates. It does not really matter what field of Engineering you will choose to be able to be a CEO.

Moreover, before taking an MBA you will still need to finish your technical degree. Engineering will give you a jump start and will play a big role. Your roots will define on how you think, act and be big in the industry.

back to Choosing an Engineering Course article...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Top Paychecks in Choosing an Engineering Course

by Charles Gonzales Gagui - CleVer Vibration

You had chosen Engineering as your field of study and why not?

Isn't it obvious, Engineering is the over the top, best ever, awesome job in the entire freaking universe. Simply because engineers get to do cool stuff all the time. Not to mention, earning good money, enjoying life, travelling a lot and still respected to make the world a better place. How awesome is that?

Engineers don't just learn, but they live, breathe and do science. They use their acquired knowledge to make dreams a reality and do the impossible. Engineers are everywhere and in-demand all the time. They're in building and construction, IT, programming, gaming, product design, manufacturing, oil and gas, hospitals, weather stations and even to space. 

If you are still confused that engineering is right for you then you can just skip everything up and try psychology instead. I bet they have free counselling everyday.

Moving on, if your gut tells you that you're born to be an engineer. Next thing you need to decide is what engineering field is right for you.

On the other hand, why should we limit ourselves by just choosing an engineering field? Engineering is an application, we should base our decision on what we want to do as an end result. 

Basically, I will list down top engineering jobs and common jobs you would likely end up when you choose a specific field. Depending on your interest and thinking, decide what field will give you an edge and will get you there. Now is the time to think like an engineer, to be an engineer.

Jobs with a link has an article on it's own. Numbers indicate hierarchy of Salary.

Aim for these positions using any Engineering Degree:
1. CEO, Chief Executive Officer - 25,400 U.S. dollars
2. Brokers and Traders 17,300 U.S. dollars
3. General Manager / Company Director - 13,600 U.S. dollars
4. University Lecturer - 11,800 U.S. dollars
7. Policy and Planning Manager - 7800 U.S. dollars
8. Research and Development Manager - 7600 U.S. dollars
10. Chief Engineer Officer - 7400 U.S. dollars
11. Technical/ Engineering Services Manager - 7300 U.S. dollars
12. Quality Assurance Manager- 7100 U.S. dollars
14. Procurement/ Purchasing Manager - 6300 U.S. dollars
21. Premises and Facilities Maintenance Manager – 5300 U.S. dollars

Computer, Electronics or Communications Systems Engineering:
5. Software and Applications Manager - 10,300 U.S. dollars
9. Network and Communications Manager - 7400 U.S. dollars
13. Manufacturing Plant/ Production Manager - 6700 U.S. dollars
25. Telecommunications Engineer – 4900 U.S. dollars
26. Electronics Engineer – 4700 U.S. dollars
31. Industrial and Production Engineer – 4400 U.S. dollars

Mechanical or Materials Engineering
6. Marine Superintendent Engineer - 8700 U.S. dollars
13. Manufacturing Plant/ Production Manager - 6700 U.S. dollars
17. Petroleum/ Natural Gas Engineer – 5900 U.S. dollars
18. Materials Engineer – 5800 U.S. dollars
21. Premises and Facilities Maintenance Manager – 5300 U.S. dollars
29. Mechanical Engineer – 4600 U.S. dollars
31. Industrial and Production Engineer – 4400 U.S. dollars

Electrical engineering
6. Marine Superintendent Engineer - 8700 U.S. dollars
13. Manufacturing Plant/ Production Manager - 6700 U.S. dollars
21. Premises and Facilities Maintenance Manager – 5300 U.S. dollars
30. Electrical Engineer – 4500 U.S. dollars
31. Industrial and Production Engineer – 4400 U.S. dollars

Industrial Engineering
13. Manufacturing Plant/ Production Manager - 6700 U.S. dollars
16. Supply and Distribution/ Logistics/ Warehousing Manager - 6000 U.S. dollars
24. Industrial Safety Engineer – 5100 U.S. dollars
31. Industrial and Production Engineer – 4400 U.S. dollars

Civil or Transportation Engineering:
15. Transport Operations Manager - 6000 U.S. dollars
19. Building and Construction Project Manager – 5700 U.S. dollars
22. Surveyor and Cartographer – 5300 U.S. dollars
23. Network/ Infrastructure Architect and Engineer – 5200 U.S. dollars
27. Civil Engineer – 4700 U.S. dollars

Chemical or Environmental Engineering:
13. Manufacturing Plant/ Production Manager - 6700 U.S. dollars
20. Chemical Engineer – 5700 U.S. dollars
28. Chemical Engineering Technician – 4600 U.S. dollars
31. Industrial and Production Engineer – 4400 U.S. dollars
32. Environmental Engineer – 4200 U.S. dollars

Click here to Reference of salaries.

Check also my other article "Engineering Job as Part Time."